[WARNING: EXPLICIT MATURE CONTENT] Immersed in the captivating VR game, Anna's daily routine fades away. She will find a fulfillment of her deepest desires with High Orc warrior she decides to keep by her side. Together with her love deepens also her gaming addiction, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.
Latest Release:
Rude gentleman .
Dinner worth of small fortune .
Black gold .
Author’s note no. 2 .
Slow realization .
- r Character
- Prologue
- �s Author’s
- ep First step
- aw Running aw
- wa Injured wa
- nd Too friend
- o Tempting o
- ra Warm embra
- la Gentle pla
- l Stubborn l
- bl Unstoppabl
- u Time’s u
- O Visiting O
- ro Private ro
- os Her curios
- d It worked
- ro Broken pro
- ar System war
- an Hungry man
- or Joyful mor
- lo Sincere lo
- gh Inner sigh
- bt Deep doubt
- Keep me
- ea Little tea
- g Rewarding
- ig Ruined nig
- ju Grave inju
- in Heavy rain
- ag Old cottag
- re Her desire
- l Selfless l
- i Annoying i
- m Confused m
- gu Short argu
- t Onesided t
- s New dress
- it Summer Wit
- ir Dirty hair
- es Heated mes
- po Real respo
- g Deepening
- is Bitter dis
- ed Unexpected
- d Her blood
- om Loyal coom
- ue Bold Rogue
- ve Sweet reve
- at Almost lat
- H Dust and H
- le Insatiable
- ta Wild fanta
- af Morning af
- m Insolent m
- d Annoying d
- cr Dirty secr
- al Functional
- d Abandoned
- �s Victim’s
- Save me
- ht Late night
- ru Loud intru
- h The truth
- �� Warrior’
- lo Meadow flo
- rn Long journ
- in Approachin
- �s Friday’s
- s Dangerous
- te Murky wate
- va Large adva
- tr Guarded tr
- nn The beginn
- fo My gift fo
- sh His punish
- n First man
- th Her playth
- n United in
- dd Gaming add
- wa Immoral wa
- ne Being hone
- ia Reconcilia
- in Late again
- p Breaking p
- nd Deep wound
- Reunion
- of Glimmer of
- m Helpless m
- fo Chained fo
- th Freeing th
- l Reunited l
- Wake up
- New goal
- h Wrath of h
- l They all l
- bl Unavoidabl
- li Slow reali
- �s Author’s
- ld Black gold